Welcome to my site friends! My name is Albert Smart. I’ve always been a student and a creator. Tattooing and Painting has given me the opportunity to not only fill my creative passions, but to meet and share amazing and fun experiences with my clients. Tattoos have many purposes, many shapes,and many sizes but all are equally important to the person on the receiving end. My main focus is to not only do high-quality tattoo work and oil paintings but also to enjoy every step of the process and share those positive vibes with the people I am so lucky to work with. Together with honesty, trust, and patience we can collaborate on an awesome piece of art work just for you and no one else. Everyday is a celebration.
The Ink Fusion Empire
I also tattoo for the amazing Ink Fusion Empire. An elite group of tattoo artists from all over the planet who join together at various pop culture conventions around the world and bring you the very best in pop culture tattoos and entertainment. The Ink Fusion Empire is the original and leading Tattoo program for Entertainment shows and Comics cons World wide. We're also Professional , licensed, insured, and Board of Health approved for every convention we've attended. Every artist on staff is certified in Blood Born Pathogens, CPR, and First Aid. The Ink Fusion Empire is the first and leading International Tattoo program held at Comic Cons. Exclusively licensed by Lucasfilm LTD & endorsed by the late great Stan Lee.